And when I got into the hotel in Port Moresby, the first change I noticed since my last visit two years ago was that they now had "No Betel Nut Chewing" signs in the rooms !! Bother - I had really been looking forward to a good chew !! Not !!!
But it is a beautiful view over the harbour from the top of the hill. PNG is not always the easiest place to live or work, but the scenery is always spectacular. And from experience when we lived there in 1989, I can assure you that the diving and snorkelling around the islands is second to none.
Anyway, job done, and some beer money in the bank, so now I have just 10 days to get everything done here before I depart on the 14th April. I have a list on which I am crossing off the things I have done - But the list seems to be getting longer instead of shorter, as more things get added !!
Looking down on the street outside the hotel in Port Moresby, I noticed a flip flop (or thong, depending on which country you are from !!) shoe "shop" down on the pavement ! The lady hard at work spreading out here wares for a (hopefully) busy day ahead.
And I had to laugh - She is sitting on the pavement outside a chicken shop called
"DFC". KFC we all know, but DFC ???? Ah, there it is, written on the red sign - "Delicious Fried Chicken" !! So obvious when you think about it. And they have put the DFC shop right next door to the other local Fried Chicken outlet - Chicken Delight. Interesting way of meeting your competition head on !!
Anyway, unless something exciting or unusual happens in the next 10 days, my next post will be from Anacortes !!
I'm so fond of travelling but unfortunately i never have the time nor the budget for it. But I hope you had fun. Cheers mate !