Got there just after 8 am, and there was Troopie all
ready and clean from her wash yesterday.
The old parts removed were there for me to inspect, and the brake pads
were pretty worn – I think in Aus I would have gone a bit longer on them, but
in this situation, they needed changing.
And I had checked the water pump part number with Dean Futcher my 4WD
expert in Aus overnight, and he confirmed that was the correct part number, so
I will keep the old one just in case, and hope the new one solves any leak
issues. Fingers crossed. Anyway, smiling Katherine was there to ensure
everything was right and to arrange the payment of my bill (Big ouch, but
necessary, I guess – Most of the bill was the pump and labour), and shortly
afterwards we set off towards Colon at the northern (Caribbean) end of the
canal to get Troopie on her way to Columbia.
After coming in towards town along the causeway in the
rush hour traffic, and seeing the skyscrapers of the city glistening in the
sunshine, and hundreds of pelicans sitting on the mud flats sunning themselves,
we turned north and headed up across the width of the Panama isthmus to Colon, from
where the ships to Columbia depart. The drive was pretty boring, but through country
that must have been similar to the original country that they dug the canal
through between 1900 and 1914. Also a LOT
of Pampas Grass everywhere – Hmmm !!
First stop in
Colon was the Wilhelmsen office (the people who own the RoRo ships) – And finding
that was interesting, to say the least.
They had given us the address, but a) Garmins recognise very few street
names in this part of the world, and b) there are no street name signs around
here, so finding anything is always a question of stopping and asking directions
about every 100 yards. Asking so
frequently achieves 2 things – One, it allows you to ignore 50% of the people’s
instructions, because they didn’t have a clue where you were looking for
anyway, and two it means you are less likely to make a wrong turning, because if
you do, getting back is often a long and involved process ! We finally found
the right area (ports really are not easy to find your way around in, even in
Aus !), and there are 5 identical buildings – We are looking for Building
C. Does anyone write A, B, C on the
buildings ?? No, of course not. So you just pick one and start from there –
We found it on the 3rd attempt !!
(For anyone else’s reference, the co-ordinates are N 09.21.862 W079.52.886)
In we go, find the office, and the lady we need – Yet another Katherine
! (Easy for me to remember when all the people I am dealing with have the same
name !!) Fill out a couple of forms,
and then we are told to go to Aduane – Customs.
But as it is now nearly 12, and Adouane closes for lunch, no point in
going there now. So downstairs for a
takeway meal of Chicken and Rice with all the wharf workers out in the
courtyard– And hope the food coming out of these little stalls doesn’t cause us
any “grief” !! Tasted quite good anyway.
Then off looking for Aduane. The directions given by Katherine were NOT
good, and we eventually found the gate (not a single sign, needless to say),
find a place to park Troopie (right in front of a big “No Parking” sign on the
side of the dual carriageway, like everyone else), and in we go. I took photos afterwards because it is
unbelievable and I had to document it for others who might be passing this way on
a similar journey! You park out on the
road (dual carriageway with big trucks roaring along it), and go towards a
closed wire gate. By asking questions you learn that you then turn right and weave
through a seemingly impenetrable wall of trucks (some derelict) with about 6
inches between them, and there is a rather seedy looking building with about 4
or 5 doors – Which one holds the golden key ??
Very few signs on doors…..(Have I mentioned that already ?) After a
couple of false tries, and a few questions addressed to helpful locals (most
seem to be truck drivers coming to pick up their loads), we queue for an hour
in steamy heat, with very little movement – I get the feeling few people really
know what is going on, and there are a number who seem to be passing papers
over people’s heads, combined with a few dollars, and then leaving shortly
afterwards – While we hardly move forward.
Cooper by this time is approaching boiling point, both physically and
mentally !! Finally a truck driver who
DOES know what is going on comes in, shouts at all the drivers in front of him
to “move along” or something similar, and bingo 5 minutes later we are at a
window. Fantastic. I reach down to waist level, bend over, and
pass my papers through the small hole.
“Wrong office”.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN ? I have been
here an hour !!!!! Anyway, long story
short an official guy comes out from behind the one-way window and in perfect
English apologises for not advising me earlier…….and takes me outside and up to
another door.
I will mention here that ALL the windows between the
public and the staff sitting behind them are totally one way – So heavily
tinted you can’t see if anyone is behind them or not. There is then a small hole in the glass at
about waist level through which you pass papers, and through which, after
bending down to about 3 ft, you try to speak through and hear what the person
behind the window is telling you !
Needless to say there is no one behind half the windows, so you wander
around, bobbing up and down, trying to find a window with a person behind it,
then trying to hear (and in my case understand) what they are saying !! Chaotic. Absolutely chaotic.
Anyway, after one hour waiting in the wrong office with all the truckies, this man takes us up to the last door in the row – And it is totally covered in pink crepe paper, crepe bows, and large photos of women’s breasts – All about Breast Cancer Awareness, I believe, which is a fine thing – But the Customs sign on the door is totally covered !!! How the hell is anyone supposed to know that this is a customs office ???? Anyway, once inside (and until I opened it I did wonder what I was going to find inside !!), there was an office, and in 5 minutes someone was dealing with me, and I had the correct papers !! And for those on the same trail, the coordinates for the customs gate entry are N 09.20.821 W 079.52.719.
Anyway, after one hour waiting in the wrong office with all the truckies, this man takes us up to the last door in the row – And it is totally covered in pink crepe paper, crepe bows, and large photos of women’s breasts – All about Breast Cancer Awareness, I believe, which is a fine thing – But the Customs sign on the door is totally covered !!! How the hell is anyone supposed to know that this is a customs office ???? Anyway, once inside (and until I opened it I did wonder what I was going to find inside !!), there was an office, and in 5 minutes someone was dealing with me, and I had the correct papers !! And for those on the same trail, the coordinates for the customs gate entry are N 09.20.821 W 079.52.719.
But by now it was too late to proceed to the next stage,
so we took off into Colon to find a hotel for the night so we could continue
with our adventure tomorrow morning !! Janet
had jotted down the addresses of a couple of hopefuls, so we set off into
downtown Colon, travelling down the main street. And it got seedier, and
seedier, and seedier. And more and more
run down. Lots of Chicken buses, and all
seem to have paintings of Jesus on the back door – Some better than others,
quite graphic ! Past a road side
fruit market, and some terrible buildings that are seemingly fully occupied,
until we come to a T junction, where out hotel is supposed to be. But nothing there but a corrugated iron
fence, with a statue of Jesus behind it with his arms raised ! No hotel here then. We wander around a little, finding empty and
very dirty waterfront lots, and then seem to get into an even seedier part of
town – Although the man hole covers were still mostly in place, so it can’t be
TOO bad an area !! One building seemed
totally derelict – But there were 3 new satellite dishes on the walls, so
someone must live there. Back on the
main street, we even passed “Ferreteria Jaimie” – Is this where our friend
Jamie buys his ferrets ? Also saw a number of Indian women, presumably from the
remote Darien Gap jungle area between Panama City and Columbia – They wear very
colourful clothes and have bangles and wrapping up their calves. Fascinating.
By now Janet and I were agreed that the more reasonably
priced Colon hotels were just not going to be suitable – So we went to the
Sheraton and splashed out !! We have
saved some money with the car now going RoRo instead of in a container, so a
little luxury is in order ! So got a
room there, amazed at the size of the rooms etc, and I went to work on the car
while it was still daylight. As the car
is now going RoRo, this means that the car is open, the shipping people have
the keys, and people actually drive it onto the ship, and off again at
destination. So anything left in the car
is at risk of disappearing. This is how
we shipped from Australia to the US in
March, so I was prepared. I built a wire
mesh screen that I bolt in place behind the front seats, thus isolating the
front cabin from the rest of the car. I then lock the back door with a
different key, padlock the spare wheels closed over the back doors, have the
pop top padlocked shut, and have the side windows covered in security
mesh. So people can climb in the front
doors and drive the car, but there is no way they can get in the back to get
any of our personal gear – Not without a lot of work, anyway. We have carried this metal grill around for 6
months in case it was required, and it took me 3 or so hours to completely empty
the front cabin of stuff (radio, anything on the dashboard, in door pockets, under
or behind the seats) and then install the grill and bolt it in place, and then
repack everything into the back of the car.
And of course the fridge has to be empty and turned off or the battery
would go flat ! Finally got it all
finished just as it got dark, then had a HOT shower, and we went down and had a
few beers and a lovely supper before turning in, everything we need out of the
car, and just a few last bits and pieces of paperwork to deal with in the
morning. Now we have a sailing date for
the car, and an ETA Cartagena, we can make arrangements for ourselves – So we book
a hotel in Cartagena, air tickets to Cartagena, and a hotel for tomorrow night
close to Panama airport, as our flight to Cartagena leaves at 5.45 am (yuck
!!). To bed, exhausted.
Thursday 9th
Oct. Wake up early, quick breakfast, and
then meet up with Manuel, our driver who is going to follow us to the port
today, then once we have dropped off Troopie, take us back to Panama, via a bit
of sightseeing on the Canal. First it is
back to Aduane – This time an office just next to Building C of
Wilhelmson. But once again we had been
given wrong instructions by Katherine, and after much bending over to peer
through small waist high windows again, and a lot of help from a very helpful
gentleman called Javier, we finally find the correct window and an hour later we
pay our $64 due for some Port fees, get a stamp, and head off to deliver the
car to the Ro Ro gate. Once again, not
so simple – First off al they don’t want the car !! Luckily, Javier has by this time reached the
same gate, and he translates for us, and they finally let me in and usher me
through a mesh opening. There Troopie is
slowly studied, then photographed, then I have to open everything up, more
photos, then the dog squad arrive and a big German Shepherd looking dog (with
VERY muddy feet I might add) is induced by his handler to jump into both the
drivers and passenger seats (on my beautiful sheepskins !!), and then leap in
the back and prance around all over my mattresses and other personal effects in
the back, leaving a trail of muddy paw prints wherever he went !! Found nothing of interest though, and I was then allowed to close and lock everything
up again, and Troopie was driven away !!
We then jumped into Manuel’s up-market taxi, and took off
south towards the Miraflores Locks, where we had been the other day but got
there after closing, so had seen nothing.
We had thought we could drive down beside the canal, but it turns out
that the Miraflores locks are the only ones that cater to the public- The locks
at the other (northern) end are not open to the public, and there is no public road
beside the canal for
most of its length. Anyway, had a pleasant couple of hours
in the visitor’s centre, watched a movie and saw the museum of how they built
the canal, and then a ship was coming through the locks, so we got to see how
they do it. 2014 marks the 100 year
anniversary since the canal opened in 1914, so there is a fair bit if hype about
it. They are also building a new set of locks that are much bigger than the
current ones, and will allow even bigger ships to pass through the canal. These are currently being built off to the side of the current canal,
on the other side of a hill, and I’m not sure quite when they will be opened,
but in the next year or two I think. All
very interesting.
A last “twist in the tale” – The car leaves Panama on
Friday 10th, and arrives Cartagena on Saturday 11th. So I ask the shipping people how we get our
car out on a Saturday. Cannot – Docks in
Cartagena don’t work weekends. OK,
please call agent in Cartagena and ask when we can get the car. When Katherine comes back, she says “Tuesday”
!! WHAT ?? Yes, Unfortunately Monday is a holiday this
week in Cartagena, so nothing will happen till Tuesday at the earliest, and
then of course they will be very busy !! So we have now had to book a hotel for 5 nights
in Cartagena, and will get 4 days to play the tourist around Cartagena. Not totally bad, because Cartagena is
supposed to be really interesting – But it blows the budget out a bit having to
stay in all these hotels ! But who would
have thought - Only a one day sailing to
Cartagena, but you need 1-2 days before to do paperwork, and then another 4
days waiting in Cartagena to be able to collect the car and get back on the
road ! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Pics here :-
Amazing service from the garage. Don't get that in Aussie???
ReplyDeleteThings can only get better.
I had great difficulty in sending money to the Customs Dog Handler to ensure he walked his Alsatian through some muddy puddles before checking Troopie. Seems like he delivered!!!! Shame about the sheepskins.....would have LOVED to see your face! Great blogging Giles. J&S