Cold weather and altitude seems to do funny things to
diesel engines ! The big German trucks seem to have the most, and this morning
Manfred and Karin left in a cloud of smoke !
Hope it gets better as they get lower and warmer !
Then it was our turn – Off to Machupicchu, but first we
had to go into town to get some money from an ATM
that is “friendly” with our
card ! That done, and a quick photo of Troopie in the main square in Cuzco, we
headed out on what we thought was the correct road, past some extensive Inca
ruins very close to our campsite called Saqsayhuaman (commonly called “Sexy
Woman” ruins by everyone as that is how it is pronounced !) It was
shortly after that that we realised we while we were indeed on a road to
Machupicchu, it was not the road we wanted !!
So after some well intended turns and detours, we unfortunately spent
the next hour or so lost in Cuzco !
The trouble is not just the one way system,
but also the fact that quite a lot of streets are just too narrow or steep for
us, or are in fact stairs not roads, and then Garmin spits the dummy, closely
followed by me !! And then, when we
finally got on the road we wanted, there were some roadworks, and on one narrow
section a 20 seater bus decided to overtake a semitrailer, while another semi
was coming the other way, and neither semi was going to give way – So the bus
and oncoming semi ended up nose to nose, while the wing mirrors of the bus and
the semi going the same way ended up locked together. 30 minutes later…………!!! And this was in a major roadworks section, so
workmen everywhere. Since they were all
watching this stupidity anyway, 3 workmen near us saw all our stickers and came
over for a chat, wanted to know where we were from, how we could drive a car
with a steering wheel on the wrong side, etc etc, and cheered us up after we
were still not exactly on speaking terms after being lost for an hour ! So we shared some boiled sweets with them,
and eventually headed on our way with smiles on our faces again.
There are two ways from Cuzco to Ollantaytambo where we
were to catch our train, and we planned to go one way and come back the other.
We had to be in Ollantaytambo by 4pm to catch our train, and leaving Cuzco at
10 am had left us plenty of time for the 2-3 hour drive. But getting lost, then the traffic jam in the
road works, suddenly meant we didn’t have so much time as we hoped, so we
needed to get a wiggle on. After
Cachimayo, where we turned off the main road and headed north, there were yet
more of the spectacular mountain and valley views that just seem endless over
here, but which never get boring, I can assure you. Some great views from a lookout where we
stopped for a while because the views were just so amazing, with snow and even
glaciers visible on some of the mountain tops. The whole countryside is much
more rural out here, and even though
we were at 3700 metres, it is rolling
fields, rich soil, donkeys and cows grazing everywhere beside the road. You also get some farmers still ploughing
with oxen, often with the wife running ahead – Presumably to entice the oxen to
travel in a straight line ? – But on the other side of the road you see a John
Deere tractor being used for ploughing as well ! We stopped to photograph one couple and the
wife ran down and wanted payment , and wasn’t too happy when we had no small
local change and gave her boiled sweets instead ! So we found one dollar and she was then happy
to keep the sweets as well. When she went
back to her husband we didn’t see her hand any of the sweets (or money) over !
We then had a delightful dinner in a little restaurant
not far from our hotel, Janet tried vicuna (bit tough and chewy) while I had a
delicious grilled trout ! Mmmmm. After that is was back to our hotel and off
to bed with an intended wake up of 5 am for the early bus to Machupicchu.
Pics are here
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