3.5.15 S35.04.13.5 W55.04.58.21
2.30 pm Off
Punta del Este, Uruguay
Hardly any sleep.
Breakfast of bread, cheese and coffee, then up on deck to watch for
departure. Car loading ramp pulled up
slowly at about 9 am. Depart Montevideo
at 10 am. 2 tugs to pull us off the
jetty in high, cold winds. Chinese
fishing vessel unloading frozen tuna beside us straight into a refrigerated
40ft container. Bulk tanker loading with
wheat. Head out of harbour. Lunch at 11
am, then siesta in cabin as we sail up the coast, past the campsite of the past
3 weeks, and past the mountain we climbed outside Piriapolis 2 weeks ago. Heading up the coast to Paranagua, south of
Sao Paulo. Quite a lot of movement due
to high winds whipping seas up. No
stabilisers on commercial vessels !!
4.5.15 S30.53.38.00 W
Noon – Off Porto Alegre, Brazil.
About ½ way to Paranagua.
Slept a bit better last night but still a lot of rocking and
rolling. Better by the morning. Breakfast at 7.30, and then lunch at 11 m
makes it too much – Think just a cup of coffee for breakfast would be
sufficient. Sit up on deck in the
sunshine – Very pleasant.
5.5.15 S25.30.00.15
Noon. In Paranagua
Port, Brasil.
Warmer today as we head north. Turned in toward Paranagua port mid morning,
picked up a Pilot, and docked at 11 am.
Unloading cars, trucks, farming equipment, and lots of containers. Intriguing to watch how manual many of the
processes are, despite state of the art cranes.
The locking pins that hold containers in place are unlocked manually by
crew using a long pole with
a hook on the end. When they do not unlock properly, which seems to be a not uncommon occurrence, the crew have to scrabble round on ladders, climbing across the containers and then “fishing” down between the containers with these long poles until they can unlock them. Surely there must be better / safer way of doing this !
a hook on the end. When they do not unlock properly, which seems to be a not uncommon occurrence, the crew have to scrabble round on ladders, climbing across the containers and then “fishing” down between the containers with these long poles until they can unlock them. Surely there must be better / safer way of doing this !
And as for the bumping and banging of the containers when
the pins don’t unlock – well, I am glad that is not my Ferrari inside that container
Similarly with the cars – Lots of little VW Gol’s. One crew of drivers unload them off the
ship. Then another crew of drivers come
along and drive them 500 metres or so to a car park. Just not a very efficient way of doing things.
9 pm at night now, and they are still loading containers,
so I guess we will leave some time during the night, and head for our next
port, Santos, about 200 kms up the coast.
6.5.15 S23.55.27.85
Noon. In Santos
Port, Brasil.
As we approach the city, trying to work out where the
port is ! As we head into the natural harbour, a river opens up round the
east side of the city, and we then head up this river for several kilometres,
over an hour before we finally tie up. First we steam up beside the city, with
apartments and office buildings on our left, and car ferries crossing the river
round us. Then gradually it becomes more
of a port and for the last half hour we are passing berth after berth – many
bulk grain ships loading (all the grain I have been seeing harvested out there
as I drove across the pampas !), car carriers disgorging cars, and massive
container cranes loading and unloading big container ships. Santos is a big port that stretches right round
the city. Having entered the harbour on
the south side, we eventually berth right round on the north side of the city.
After running over a marker buoy and just about
destroying it, we finally lower our ramp at the rear and start unloading
hundreds of cars (Fiats this time), while simultaneously trucks carry 20 ft
containers aboard – It is a busy little ramp for several hours. Down at the front end of the ship, a big crane
is loading and unloading 40 ft containers and
ISO tanks. New CAT bulldozers
trundle up the ramp into the ship, while a fuel tanker pulls alongside and
pumps fuel aboard.
We depart in the darkness and once more head NE towards
Rio de Janeiro.
7.5.15 S22.52.39.57
Noon. In Rio de
Janeiro port, Brasil.
When I wake up at 5 am, my GPS show me we have just
passed Ubatuba on the coast where I recently spent a great 10 days with Mauro,
Giovanna, Leticia and Pedro. I try to
text them to ask if they can see me on the horizon but can’t get through. By lunch time we are approaching Rio, and
there is a lot of pollution haze – The coast line is unexpectedly mountainous
as we start to be able to pick landmarks, searching for the distinctive
Corcovado and Sugarloaf. We spot the
sands of Ipanema and then Copacabana beaches, and then swing north into the
harbour, with distinctive Sugar Loaf on our left. Once again we are trying to work out where
the port is, using the GPS on our tablets, while we pass between the old
defences of the Santa Barbara Fort guarding the narrow harbour entrance and
steam on past the new airport that juts out into the
harbour. The Corcovado towers over the city on our left and is almost lost in the low cloud, as we pass several islands – Ilha Fiscal with its distinctive green Castelo, Ilha das Enxadas and the white buildings of the Naval Training Centre, and the Ilha de Santa Barbara with the ruins of its old fort visible amongst the trees.
harbour. The Corcovado towers over the city on our left and is almost lost in the low cloud, as we pass several islands – Ilha Fiscal with its distinctive green Castelo, Ilha das Enxadas and the white buildings of the Naval Training Centre, and the Ilha de Santa Barbara with the ruins of its old fort visible amongst the trees.
We finally berth right up on the north side of the city,
right under the massive Ponte Presidente Costa e Silva bridge that crosses the
harbour, with the ever present flocks of Frigate birds wheeling overhead. We don’t unload any cars here – Just more
containers being loaded by crane onto the forward deck, and loads of steel pipe
(oilfield casing ?) being driven into the vehicle decks and
unloaded. By 6 pm we are all finished, and in the darkness of evening head back out of the harbour, while we have supper and then continue our journey NE to our last port of call in South America, Vitoria. As we leave Rio it starts raining heavily. We have been joined today by a new passenger – Italian Gianluca who is headed home to Milan after 3 months travelling overland through Asia.
unloaded. By 6 pm we are all finished, and in the darkness of evening head back out of the harbour, while we have supper and then continue our journey NE to our last port of call in South America, Vitoria. As we leave Rio it starts raining heavily. We have been joined today by a new passenger – Italian Gianluca who is headed home to Milan after 3 months travelling overland through Asia.
8.5.15 S21.48.46
Heading towards Vitoria Port, Brasil
Wake up to heavy rain !
No morning walk round the deck today.
We are well over half way to Vitoria, so should arrive some time this
afternoon. Our schedule says we spend
almost 2 days in Vitoria, so we are not sure what and how much cargo we load
here, but it must be a lot. There isn’t
a lot else to do on board, so long discussions and speculations about when we
might arrive, and what cargo we might load helps to pass the time of day !!
Arrive off Vitoria at 6 pm in thick fog and heavy rain.
Big bridge across harbor entrance only
just visible. Wait outside port
till the morning.
9.5.15 S20.19.30.46
In Vitoria Port, Brasil
Enter the port in clear sunshine at 7 am. Very narrow river with city on right and
docks on the left. Dock with starboard
side to wharf, so unable to open car ramp or use ships cranes to load 60
containers (Wharf cranes on this jetty suitable for bulk powder only) Unable to turn around until high tide at 6
pm, so just sit alongside wharf all day, doing nothing ! Fortunately workers onshore were cutting and
removing a solid rock hill beside the boat which gave us something interesting
to look at ! How the workers did not
kill themselves is a miracle in itself – Their operations were one unsafe act
after another !
On the north side of the river are some impressive old
colonial buildings, unfortunately almost completely swallowed up by modern high
rises. Particularly the Palacio Ancheta
and even more so the Catedral de Vitoria which is almost totally hidden from
view. It would have been nice if some of
these had remained more prominent.
At 6 pm finally turn around and tie up again so we could
unload 60 cars (Honda’s this time !) and load about 60 containers. Apparently they have to complete loading
before 6 am tomorrow so we can leave on the high tide – Or else we have to stay
till 8 pm !!
Half an hour’s walk on decks, and some time on bicycle in
Remainder of the pics up as far as Vitoria are here :- https://picasaweb.google.com/117739775480775657932/0251MontevideoToVitoria?authkey=Gv1sRgCKWp55mh3dPeoQE
10.5.15 S20.16.41.83
Heading across the Atlantic Ocean !
Complete loading OK and leave Vitoria port at 6.30 am,
headed for Dakar, Senegal. Woke up at 5
am and was up on deck for final departure from South America. Vitoria is a
narrow little river port with steep rocks on one side and the city on the
other, and we sail out to sea, passing under the big Terceira Ponte that takes
the traffic from the north side of town to the south. On the way out, the old jail (penitenciaria)
is very visible on the south, and then the Army’s 380
Infantry Battalion headquarters, while to the south the colourful buildings of the old city and now suburb of Jesus de Nazareth, with little fishing boats tied up in front, reminds one of what Vitoria perhaps once looked like.
Infantry Battalion headquarters, while to the south the colourful buildings of the old city and now suburb of Jesus de Nazareth, with little fishing boats tied up in front, reminds one of what Vitoria perhaps once looked like.
The two tugs escorting us out of the river turned back as
we passed under the Ponte, and then the pilot left us shortly after, and we
headed out into the Atlantic Ocean on our way to Dakar, Senegal, about 10 days
sailing away. We pass a couple of
offshore oil rigs not far out to sea.
We had arrived in South America on 10th
October, and left on the 10th May – Almost exactly 7 months
later. What a great adventure it has
been, what amazing sights we have seen and wonderful people we have met since
we landed in Cartagena all that time ago.
Goodbye South America……….
11.5.15 W34.09.31.86
Off Salvador Bahia at 5 pm
12.5.15 S06.40.50.37
Off Natal at 8 pm
N00.00.02.47 W26.15.04.41
Cross Equator at 12.32 am
Neptune ceremony in morning for 2 Equatorial virgins ! Poor Gianluca - He took it all very well !!
14.5.15 N02.38.35.6
15.5.15 N08.24.24.79
Still at sea !
16.5.15 N14.40.30.78 W17.25.46.98
In port in Dakar, Senegal
Cannot get off ship due to Safety concerns and also
possible problems returning to ship through port area.
Senegal typical W Africa ! Grimaldi sister ship Grande Nigeria came into
port, headed south.
Some more pics of this section of the trip are here :- https://picasaweb.google.com/117739775480775657932/0252VitoriaBrasilToDakarSenegal?authkey=Gv1sRgCK3KoeGvz_T76QE
17.5.15 N15.18.44.97 W17.37.54.87
200 kms north of Dakar.
Walk and cycle.
18.5.15 N22.12.37.61
Cold on ship today, and windy and cold outside.
19.5.15 N28.18.51.75 W13.43.29.9
Travelling E of Canary Islands
As soon as we passed the Canaries, the wind and the seas
picked up dramatically. Long swells, ship rolling and pitching, cupboard doors
in cabin swinging around unless secured.
Speed dropped to 20 kmh (11 knots
for you nautical types !). Not really
rough – Just a bit more interesting !
N33.24.58.81 W12.11.53.13
300 Kms west of Casablanca.
Still rough and windy like yesterday, and still only
managing 20 kmh
21.5.15 N38.40.03.08
150 kms west of Lisbon
Clear skies, but still wind and long swells. Warm if you
could get out of the wind. Able to walk
on deck, albeit carefully to make sure not blown overboard !
22.5.15 N44.38.43.85
150 kms north of Coruna, In Bay of Biscay. 10067 kms from Montevideo, and 1016 kms from
Much calmer and less windy today, and back up to 30 kmh
(16 knots). No white tops.
Ready to get off ship now, although 4 more days to
Hamburg, and 6 or so to Tilbury. Very
tempted to get off in Emden or Hamburg and catch ferry to UK, but will exercise
patience and save the money!
23.5.15 At sea !
Coming past Brest and into the English Channel – Thick early
morning fog, which clears later into clear blue skies. Franz threatens to jump overboard !! Pigeons land on the ship for a rest – We must
be getting close to land !
25.5.15 Finally we
reach Emden !
Emden is an amazing port – Basically it is a VW car
factory surrounded by an enormous parking ot filled with cars, and surrounded
by wind turbines to provide the power !
One starts to realise a) Just how many cars there are, and b) what a
massive business it is moving all these cars around the world. We unload VW Amaroks that are all made in S America,
and load other VW’s for on-shipment.
26.5.15 And on to
We sailed overnight to Hamburg, arriving early in the
morning. While Emden port is in the
middle of nowhere an just an enormous parking lot, the Port of Hamburg is right
in the middle of the city, and you sail right past offices and streets t reach
the port – What a contrast. By the time
we had breakfasted, they had lowered the ramp and unloaded some big front end
loaders brought from S America, and it was time to get Franz & Ingrid, and
Unimog 22 off the ship. So we helped
them cary their luggage down, the crew untied all the cars for us, and then we
had to wait while they moved a Swiss and Rover that wouldn’t start ! I had to move Troopie to a different deck,
and then Unimog 22 disappeared off down the ramp onto the wharf – Home in
Germany after 2 years on the road.
Down on the wharf, I watched from the ship as German
Customs (Zoll) went through Unimog 22 with a fine tooth comb ! Sniffer dogs were underneath, in the spare
wheels, everywhere – Obviously Franz and Ingrid looked like highly suspicious
characters Ha ha !! Finally the got to
drive away, and disappeared down the wharf, and off home.
Meanwhile they were loading cars non-stop onto the Grande
Amburgo. But not new cars – Old clunkers
! Many of them weren’t even running and
had to be pushed on board using special 4
WD’s with a big steel plate on the front with some rubber tyres tied on –
Pretty primitive. On tooking to the
captain later he said he hated carrying these because many were leaking oil and
his crew always had a big clean up after they were unloaded. They are old European cars being taken (or
should I say dumped ??) down in West Africa !!
Apart from cars, there were trucks with other trucks on their trays,
with any spare space filled with old doors and wheels etc. There were old trucks with cars strapped on
the back. And they were loaded in their
hundreds for the entire day.
Finally sailed out of Hamburg in darkness in the evening,
with all the town lit up as we passed through it, and back out into the North
Sea for the journey to Antwerp.
28.5.15 An so to Antwerp.
We sailed all day the 27th, heading back down
the channel to Antwerp, and during the day saw smoke in the distance. It turned out to be a ship on fire, and when
we passed through the smoke plume, it had a very odd smell – Plastic ? We didn’t even slow down, and I couldn’t see
any one stopping to help them, although when I asked the crew at lunch time
they said some fire ship was on its way to help them. I found out from Janet later that there was
another accident today in the channel with one ship sinking of the coast of the
UK, and the other limping to Antwerp.
Busy day on the high seas !
We finally arrive in Antwerp early in the morning of the 28th, and for an hour steamed up through all the
dock area. This is a massive port. We passed another Grimaldi ship, the Grande
Gabon, heading out, and then had to go through a narrow lock system into an
inner harbour. I thought the lock was
pretty tight for us, but once we were in, they then squeezed two narrow fuel
barges down beside us, and then another two behind us. Then the hydraulic gates were closed behind
us, and the road bridge lowered, and then they opened the lock and road bridge in
front of us and we sailed out into an inner harbour, which was almost as big as
the outer one we had already passed though.
You only get to appreciate the size of some of these big ports when you
sail into them on a ship.
Antwerp is the “operations base” for Grimaldi, and they have their own
wharf there, and when we arrived there were 4 other Grimaldi vessels already
tied up there. Once again, massive flat
areas just filled with cars, and apart from Grimaldi ships, there were other
car carrying ships all around us, busy unloading and loading their own cargoes
of hundreds of cars. There are even car
carrying barges moving around, carrying cars from one wharf to another – Just a
jaw-droppingly massive operation. We then spent 2 ½ frustrating days in Antwerp port, only 100 kms or so from my destination in Tilbury ! So near but so far. Once again, they loaded hundreds of old cars, many of which again had to be pushed on board by other vehicles. I even noticed in the back of one of the old trucks they loaded, it was filled with old fridges !! And the number plates on many of the vehicles were from Poland and similar. Hmmmm.
jaw-droppingly massive operation. We then spent 2 ½ frustrating days in Antwerp port, only 100 kms or so from my destination in Tilbury ! So near but so far. Once again, they loaded hundreds of old cars, many of which again had to be pushed on board by other vehicles. I even noticed in the back of one of the old trucks they loaded, it was filled with old fridges !! And the number plates on many of the vehicles were from Poland and similar. Hmmmm.
2nd June 2015 – Tilbury at last !
We finally sailed out of Antwerp on the night of the
night of the 30th May, and I thought we might get to Tilbury today……….But
no – we sailed NORTH up the coast of England, past a whole lot of wind turbines
in the middle of the ocean, and then anchored off Felixstowe !!! Congestion in Tilbury Port !! Aaaaaaggggghhhhh – I’m never going to get
there !!
Then late that night we finally weighed anchor and sail
back down the coast and in to Tilbury – Unfortunately it really was the middle
of the night as I would really like to have seen the journey up the Thames
Estuary. I didn’t sleep a lot – I didn’t want to miss my stop and end up in
West Africa !!
Had my breakfast and then met the Grimaldi ships agent who took my passport off to immigration, and then I sat around and waited ! To my surprise I saw the American camper van of Justin and Melanie that we had been with in the camp site in Montevideo, and which we thought had missed the boat from Montevideo – But it had evidently just been parked on a different deck from us. Finally the ships agent came back and we went off to the Grimaldi office on the wharf (terra firma at last – exactly 31 days after boarding !) where I filled out a Temporary Vehicle Import form on line, then I went off to get Troopie off the Grande Amburgo. Unfortunately the excitement of arriving in the UK was just too much for her, and despite the fact that she had started when I had to move her in Hamburg, she finally spat the dummy and refused to start ! So we had to call the battery man over for some extra boost (not a rare occurrence on these car ferries, so they have all the gear ready), and after a quick jump start, we were off. Had a good chat with a guy working on the wharf about my trip, Sean I think his name was, and then it was back over to the Grimaldi office, waiting on Customs to inspect me. 20 minutes later, I was told I could leave, and after getting my gate pass, I drove out of the Tilbury Docks, and out onto the LH side (!!) of the English roads, and headed off. I never even saw a Customs man ! So a very easy entry into the UK !
So concludes the South American portion of my trip – And what
an Adventure it has been !!
Overall, really enjoyed the experience on the ship,
mainly because of memories of my Mum telling me stories about how she used to
travel out to Jamaica in the 1930’s and 1940’s on board freight ships - “Banana
boats”, as she called them. It is
perhaps easier on a shorter voyage – a week or 10days would be fine. Nearly 30 days is starting to get a bit
wearing, although it is actually quite an economical way to travel. While the passenger cost is roughly
equivalent to an air ticket, one has to consider that for 30 days I am not
spending any money on food or accommodation, so overall is cost effective. Once again, doing it on your own sucks……….!!
Rest of the pics are here :- https://picasaweb.google.com/117739775480775657932/0253DakarSenegalToTilburyUK?authkey=Gv1sRgCJDvlvTgks-LogE
Rest of the pics are here :- https://picasaweb.google.com/117739775480775657932/0253DakarSenegalToTilburyUK?authkey=Gv1sRgCJDvlvTgks-LogE
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